Pretest and Corrected PreTest

Name:  Sherylyn Richards McNamara
Answer each question based on your current understanding of sun-Earth-moon spatial relationships.
1.       Briefly explain the cause(s) of day (period of light) and night (period of darkness) that we experience on Earth.
The pull from the sun makes the Earth turn
2.      Briefly explain the reason why our summers are warm and our winters are colder.
The Earth is closer to the sun in Summer and away from the sun in winter
3.      Briefly explain why our sun appears to move from east to west across the sky?
The sun blocks the moon
4.      Briefly describe the apparent movement, if any, of the moon across the sky during a 24-hour period.
The sun blocks the moon
5.      Explain why the moon is sometimes visible during daylight hours.
The sun is not blocking during those hours
6.      Explain why the same half of the moon always faces the Earth.
The sun cast the lightfro us to see the moon
7.      What is the source of the moon’s light?
The sun
8.      Explain why some Earth locations can have days when the sun never sets (24 hours of light) and days when the sun never rises (24 hours of darkness).

9.      If people lived on the moon and observed Earth on a regular basis, would Earth appear to have phases (different shapes)? Explain
Yes, because the light from the sun would make the Earth look different shapes as it does the moon.
10.  Using the diagram below, draw where the moon would be during a new moon. A new moon is when none of the moon is visible from Earth. Explain your reasons for your placement of the moon.
Because the Earth blocks the moon from the light the sun will give the moon.So the moon is behind the Earth.

Corrected Pretest:
1.       The sun rotates on its axis each day and as it rotates the sun will shine on the part of the Earth facing the sun causing day.  The Each turns away from the sun on its axis each day causing night.

2.      The Earth has a tilt, and sometimes the Earth’s axis is titled away from the sun and other times it is tilted towards the sun.  The directness of the sunlight and the Earths tilts cause the seasons.  In summer the Earth gets more direct sun light which leads to hotter and longer days.  

3.      The sun appears to move east to west because of the Earth’s counterclockwise rotation.  

4.      The Moon orbits around the Earth from east to west

5.      The Earth is rotating faster than the moon orbits causing it to reflect light from the Sun at the same time the sun is still visible during the day.  

6.      The moon’s rotation is the same as its revolution

7.      The sun is the moon’s light source

8.      The Earth’s tilt on its axis can cause some areas on Earth where the sun never set or rises during parts of the year.

9.      Yes it would be the same for the moon people as it is the Earth people because the sun is Earths’ light source so the Earth would have phases like the moon.

10.  The moon is between the sun and Earth so during a new moon the sun is directly behind the moon and does not shine on the side towards Earth causing the moon to be unseen. 

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